Online lessons with Alex

Here you can find some interesting articles about learning languages and improving your language skills.

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“Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.”

Roger Bacon

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6 Reasons Why You Should Learn Bulgarian

Bulgarian is a South Slavic language that provides access to literature, delicious food, well-known folk music, agriculture and business, and excellent tourism opportunities. That said however, I believe Bulgarian is well worth learning and, in some ways, more interesting than other Slavic languages. But why should definitely learn Bulgarian? Here is a list of the…

Основни правила в немския език

Може би вече сте открили, че не можете да научите няколко думи и очаквате да владеете езика.Граматиката и речникът вървят ръка за ръка, но граматиката е малко по-важна. Ако искаме да общуваме ефективно на немски, трябва да знаем какъв е строежа на езика.За съжаление, немската граматика има лоша репутация, тъй като е изключително трудна в…

Most Important Rules In The German Grammar

Maybe you’ve already discovered that you can’t learn German vocabulary and expect to be able to communicate in the language.Grammar and vocabulary go hand in hand, but grammar is more important. If we want to communicate effectively in German, we need to know how German functions structurally.Unfortunately, German grammar has a bad reputation for being…

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